guys if u have a computer and u can daily use her computer then guys u compulsory know about what is the system software and how many types of systems software.
and guys if u are a technical person then also u know about systems software and its types.
guys so are u ready to know about systems software and how many types of the system software, if u ready so, let's get the start
what is System Software?
System Software is the software that is directly related to coordinating computer operations and performs tasks associated with controlling and utilizing computer hardware.
These programs assist in running application programs and are designed to control the operation of a computer system. System software directs the computer what to do when to do, and how to do it.
Types of system software
- Operating System
- Language Translators (or, Language Processors)
Operating System
An Operating system is the most important system software.
It is a set of programs that control and supervise the hardware of a computer and also provide services to application software, programmers, and users.
It manages all hardware and software, input, output, and processing activities within the computer system, the flow of information to and from the processor, sets priorities for handling different tasks, and so on.
Without operating systems a computer cannot do anything useful. When a computer is switched on, the operating system is the first program that is loaded onto its memory.
A user cannot communicate directly with the computer hardware, so the operating system acts as an interface between the user and the computer hardware.
Some of the popular operating systems used in personal computers are DOS, Windows, Unix, Linux, Solaris, etc. An operating system can be a Single User or a Multiuser operating system.
A single user operating system allows only one user to work at any time but a multiuser operating system allows two or more users to use a powerful computer at the same time.
For example, Windows 7 is a single-user operating system while Linux is a multiuser operating system.
Language Processors
We know that the computer understands instructions in machine code, i.e. in the form of 0s and 1s. It is difficult for us to write a computer program directly in machine code.
The programs are written mostly in high-level languages, i.e. BASIC, C++, Python, etc. A program is written in any high-level programming language (or written in assembly language) is called the Source Program or Source Code.
The source code cannot be executed directly by the computer. The source code must be converted into machine language to be executed.
The program translated into machine code is known as Object Program or Object code. The special translator system software that is used to translate the program written in a high-level language (or Assembly language) into machine code is called a language processor or a translator program.
so, Guys i hope u know about the sytem software and how many types of systems software, guys i can post daily about compter on this blog. so, guys if u interest in to know about computer and want to know about the latests technolgy then u SUBSCRIBE our email box to gets the latest notification about our computer related post
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